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Made to Stand Out

Made to Stand Out

Défier war schon immer mehr als nur eine Marke – es ist eine Haltung. Während andere mit Basic Hoodies beginnen, haben wir von Anfang an Pullover gedroppt, die mehr waren...
Throwback mit Ansage – Heritage Drop

Throwback with a statement – Heritage Drop

Défier has always been an attitude. While other brands start with basic hoodies, we dropped pullovers that were statements – even before we had our first hoodie. The Heritage Drop...
Back to the Roots – Besuch bei unserem Produktionspartner

Heritage Drop: A Journey Back to Our Roots

The upcoming drop not only brings back some real throwbacks but also takes us back to where it all began: to our first-day producer in the heart of Istanbul. During...
The Tough Drop - Releaseparty

The Tough Drop - Releaseparty

On June 16th, we unleashed the Release Party for the TOUGH DROP together with the Schrittmacher Store at the Alte Wettbüro in Dresden. Our guests had the chance to secure...
Défier X Schrittmacher

Défier X Schrittmacher

We are pleased to announce an exclusive partnership with the Pacemaker Store in Dresden - the only place in the state capital where you can now find our beloved pieces.